From Hospital to Hotel – Middleton’s York

From Hospital to Hotel – Middleton’s York

Almshouses are places of charitable support for the poor, the sick, widows and strangers. Nationwide, in the 21st century, there are 2,600 functioning Almshouses in the UK, supporting around 36,000 elderly people on low incomes. Here in York, we have the first purpose...
Yorkshire’s other literary village

Yorkshire’s other literary village

We all know of Haworth and the famous Bronte Sister’s, with their tales of love and hardship in the 19th century, but there is another place in Yorkshire associated with three literary giants who put North Yorkshire and the Yorkshire Dales on the map…Ampleforth....
York on a Plate

York on a Plate

York is an ancient city dating back to AD 71 when the Romans landed, so we are surrounded by history and thankfully our visitors to York can get a good sense of its past when strolling around the streets. Join me as we discover a city where we can walk through history...
Dick Turpin

Dick Turpin

Visitors to York can see his grave in St George’s churchyard, his place of hanging at York’s Tyburn and his condemned cell in the Museum that was formerly York Castle prison. He has had a romantic reputation as a highwayman who held up stagecoaches at gunpoint and...