‘Bradford Live’ – opening 2024

‘Bradford Live’ – opening 2024

Time was when everyone flocked to Bradford for entertainment, including the people of Leeds – however unbelievable to imagine now!  After a long hiatus, Bradford is set to regain some of that former glory, thanks to the sterling efforts of Bradfordians and those...
From Hospital to Hotel – Middleton’s York

From Hospital to Hotel – Middleton’s York

Almshouses are places of charitable support for the poor, the sick, widows and strangers. Nationwide, in the 21st century, there are 2,600 functioning Almshouses in the UK, supporting around 36,000 elderly people on low incomes. Here in York, we have the first purpose...
Yorkshire’s other literary village

Yorkshire’s other literary village

We all know of Haworth and the famous Bronte Sister’s, with their tales of love and hardship in the 19th century, but there is another place in Yorkshire associated with three literary giants who put North Yorkshire and the Yorkshire Dales on the map…Ampleforth....
Harlow Carr Reunited

Harlow Carr Reunited

Harrogate’s rise as a spa town began in 1571 when William Slingsby discovered the mineral nature of the waters of the Tewit Well. In 1734 sulphur springs were discovered at Harlow Carr but it was not for another century that the site was developed to become a...
The Masham Swifts

The Masham Swifts

Swifts are unique and amazing birds. Although similar in appearance to swallows and house martins, they are not related and evolved separately some 50 million years ago. Surprisingly perhaps, their closest bird relatives are hummingbirds! What makes swifts so unique...